The Enchanting World of Egyptian Cat Names: A Purr-fect Guide for Your Feline Pharaoh

Cats have held a revered position in Egyptian culture for millennia. They were seen as divine beings, protectors of the home, and companions to the gods themselves. So, it’s only fitting that your feline friend deserves a name steeped in this rich history and mythology. This comprehensive guide delves into the fascinating world of Egyptian cat names, offering a plethora of options for every kind of kitty.

Unveiling the Mystery: Egyptian Black Cat Names

Black cats hold a special place in Egyptian lore. Often associated with the goddess Bastet, who was depicted as a black cat or lioness, they symbolize protection, good luck, and the mysteries of the night.

  • Mesut (Night Son): This name evokes the image of a sleek black cat prowling under the starry Egyptian sky.
  • Khepri (The Self-Created): Referencing the scarab beetle, a symbol of rebirth associated with the sun god Ra, Khepri signifies transformation and new beginnings.
  • Nubia (Land of Gold): This name, referring to an ancient region south of Egypt, hints at the preciousness of your black beauty.
  • Anuket (The Encircler): Anuket, the goddess of the Nile floodwaters, represents the life-giving power of the river. A fitting name for a black cat with a regal aura.
  • Mehert (The Great Flood): Another name connected to the Nile, Mehert signifies abundance and the nurturing nature of black cats.
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Egyptian Cat Names
Egyptian Cat Names

Meanings of Egyptian Black Cat Names

MesutNight Son
KhepriThe Self-Created
NubiaLand of Gold
AnuketThe Encircler
MehertThe Great Flood

A Kaleidoscope of Colors: Egyptian Calico Cat Names

Calico cats, with their vibrant tri-colored coats, are a sight to behold. Egyptian mythology offers a variety of names that capture the essence of these unique felines.

  • Bastet (The Cat Goddess): The quintessential Egyptian cat name, Bastet embodies the protective and loving nature of calico cats.
  • Meneshet (The Decorated One): This name highlights the beautiful markings of your calico companion.
  • Mafdet (The Destructor): Though fierce-sounding, Mafdet, the goddess of justice and protector against venomous creatures, reflects the spirited nature of calico cats.
  • Mut (The Mother): Signifying motherhood and creation, Mut celebrates the nurturing side of calico cats.
  • Sekhmet (The Powerful One): Sekhmet, a lioness goddess representing power and destruction, is a bold name for a strong-willed calico feline.

Fit for a Queen: Egyptian Cat Names for Females

Ancient Egypt boasted powerful and influential female pharaohs and goddesses. These names are perfect for your regal feline lady.

  • Nefertiti (The Beautiful One Who Has Come): This iconic queen’s name evokes elegance and grace.
  • Hatshepsut (Foremost of Noble Women): The longest-reigning female pharaoh in history, Hatshepsut embodies strength and leadership.
  • Isis (Throne): The powerful goddess of magic, healing, and motherhood, Isis represents wisdom and nurturing love.
  • Wadjet (The Green One): The cobra goddess associated with protection and royalty, Wadjet is a name for a fearless feline.
  • Tefnut (Moisture): Goddess of moisture and the lioness companion of Bastet, Tefnut signifies life-giving energy and strength.

Names for the King of the Castle: Egyptian Cat Names for Males

The mighty pharaohs and powerful gods of Egypt offer a plethora of names for your male cat, the king of your household.

  • Horus (The Falcon God): The son of Osiris, Horus symbolizes sky, kingship, and protection. A perfect name for a watchful and confident cat.
  • Osiris (The Powerful One): The god of the underworld and rebirth, Osiris represents strength and transformation.
  • Ra (The Sun God): The supreme god of the sun, Ra signifies power, warmth, and life-giving energy.
  • Anubis (The Jackal God): The protector of the dead and guide to the afterlife, Anubis is a name for a wise and watchful feline companion.
  • Thoth (The Scribe): The god of knowledge, writing, and magic, Thoth is a fitting name for an intelligent and curious cat.
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A Name Carved in Stone: Egyptian Cat Statue Names

For a truly unique name, consider drawing inspiration from the majestic statues and sphinxes that stand as testaments to ancient Egypt’s grandeur.

  • Sphinx: The iconic creature with a lion’s body and a human head embodies mystery and wisdom.
  • Memnon (The Great Colossus): A colossal statue depicting Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Memnon signifies grandeur and stoicism.
  • Abu Simbel (The Place of Protection): This rock-cut temple complex dedicated to Pharaoh Ramesses II embodies protection and awe-inspiring presence.
  • Karnak (The Most Select of Places): The largest temple complex in Egypt, Karnak represents magnificence and a sense of history.
  • Luxor (City of Palaces): This ancient city with its impressive temples embodies grandeur and a touch of mystery.

Names Fit for Royalty: Egyptian Names for Sphynx Cats

Sphynx cats, with their hairless bodies and regal demeanor, are reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian sphinxes. Here are some names that perfectly complement their unique appearance.

  • Akhenaten (The Dazzling Sun Disc): This pharaoh’s name, meaning “the horizon of the Aten,” evokes the sun-like appearance of Sphynx cats.
  • Nefermaat (Beautiful of Truth): This name signifies the inherent beauty and elegance of the Sphynx breed.
  • Tatenen (The Primal One): An ancient earth god, Tatenen represents the Sphynx’s connection to the natural world.
  • Sekhmet (The Powerful One): As mentioned earlier, Sekhmet is a powerful lioness goddess, a fitting name for the strong and statuesque Sphynx.
  • Bastet (The Cat Goddess): Of course, Bastet, the cat goddess herself, remains a timeless choice for any Sphynx cat.

Unveiling the Exotic: A Selection of Rare Egyptian Names

For those seeking a name that truly stands out, here are some lesser-known yet evocative options from Egyptian mythology.

  • Maat (Truth and Justice): The goddess of truth and order, Maat represents a cat with a discerning personality.
  • Nut (The Sky Goddess): Nut, depicted as a woman arching over the earth, signifies vastness and a sense of mystery.
  • Heqet (The Frog Goddess): The goddess of childbirth and fertility, Heqet is a unique name for a nurturing feline companion.
  • Bes (The Protector): A dwarf god associated with protection, laughter, and good fortune, Bes is a name for a playful and lucky cat.
  • Sobek (The Crocodile God): Though fierce, Sobek represents strength and adaptability, perfect for a cat with a wild spirit.
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Additional Resources:


The rich tapestry of Egyptian history and mythology offers a treasure trove of names for your feline companion. Whether you seek a name steeped in power, protection, or simply beauty, this guide has provided a variety of options to suit your cat’s unique personality. So, delve into the world of pharaohs, gods, and goddesses, and find the purr-fect name for your very own Egyptian royalty.


Q: Can I use a human name from ancient Egypt for my cat?

A: Absolutely! Names like Nefertiti, Cleo (short for Cleopatra), or Ramses can make for regal and memorable choices.

Q: What if I don’t know the meaning of a name?

A: A quick internet search can usually reveal the meaning and origin of an Egyptian name.

Q: Is it okay to combine Egyptian words to create a new name?

A: Yes! Using your creativity and knowledge of Egyptian symbols, you can invent a unique name that reflects your cat’s personality.

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