LOTR Cat Names: A Comprehensive Guide

The world of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” (LOTR) is rich with lore, characters, and places that have captivated readers and viewers for decades. For fans who are also cat lovers, naming a feline companion after a beloved character or element from Middle-earth can be a delightful way to bring a piece of this fantasy realm into everyday life. In this detailed and comprehensive guide, we will explore a myriad of LOTR-inspired names suitable for cats, drawing from characters, places, and objects within the Tolkien universe. Whether you seek a name that conveys nobility, strength, mystery, or whimsy, this article aims to provide you with the perfect moniker for your feline friend.

LOTR Cat Names
LOTR Cat Names

Characters from The Fellowship of the Ring


Frodo Baggins, the central hero of “The Lord of the Rings,” is a name that signifies bravery and determination. A cat named Frodo might exhibit a curious and adventurous spirit, always ready to explore new territories in your home.

Samwise (Sam)

Samwise Gamgee, Frodo’s loyal companion, embodies loyalty and steadfastness. Naming a cat Samwise or simply Sam could be fitting for a feline known for its unwavering companionship and dependable nature.


Gandalf the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White, is a wise and powerful wizard. A cat named Gandalf might have a majestic and enigmatic presence, often observing its surroundings with a knowing gaze.

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Aragorn, also known as Strider, is the epitome of leadership and valor. This name suits a strong, protective cat that perhaps takes charge in its household hierarchy.


Legolas, the elven archer, is renowned for his agility and sharp senses. A sleek, swift, and alert cat would carry this name well, especially one that loves to climb and survey from high perches.


Gimli, the stout and courageous dwarf, is a name that might suit a sturdy and resilient cat. This name is perfect for a feline with a bold personality and a robust physique.


Boromir, though a complex character, is brave and honorable. A cat with a strong, commanding presence might be well-suited to this name.

Merry and Pippin

Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck and Peregrin (Pippin) Took are the playful and adventurous hobbits. These names are ideal for a pair of cats that are inseparable and full of mischief.

Characters from The Hobbit


Bilbo Baggins, the hero of “The Hobbit,” is another name that signifies adventure and courage. A cat named Bilbo might have an inquisitive nature and a knack for finding itself in the most unexpected of places.


Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the Company of Dwarves, is a name that carries a regal and determined aura. This name would be fitting for a cat that exudes authority and strength.


Smaug, the fearsome dragon, is a name for a cat with a commanding and somewhat aloof presence. This might be the perfect name for a cat that loves to perch high and observe its domain.

Elvish Names


Arwen, the beautiful elven princess, is a name that conveys grace and elegance. A cat with a serene and gentle demeanor would suit this name well.

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Galadriel, the Lady of Lothlórien, is a name that evokes wisdom and serenity. This name is perfect for a wise, calm, and ethereal cat.


As mentioned earlier, Legolas is an agile and alert elf. For an especially graceful and nimble cat, this name is doubly fitting.

Names from Places in Middle-earth


Rivendell, the elven haven, is a name that suggests peace and sanctuary. A tranquil and soothing cat might be aptly named Rivendell.


Gondor, the great kingdom of men, is a name that signifies nobility and strength. A cat with a regal bearing could carry this name with pride.


Moria, the ancient dwarf kingdom, is a name that carries a sense of mystery and depth. This name could suit a cat that loves to explore and hide in dark, enclosed spaces.

Names from Objects and Concepts


Sting, the magical sword carried by both Bilbo and Frodo, is a name that suggests sharpness and precision. A cat with quick reflexes and a keen mind might be well-suited to this name.


Mithril, the precious metal, signifies beauty and resilience. This name is fitting for a cat with a stunning appearance and a strong, enduring spirit.


Andúril, the sword of Aragorn, is a name that conveys power and legacy. A cat with a proud and noble demeanor might be aptly named Andúril.

Incorporating LOTR Themes into Cat Naming

When choosing a LOTR-inspired name for your cat, consider not only the character or element you are drawing from but also your cat’s personality and physical traits. A name that resonates with your cat’s unique characteristics will make the connection even more meaningful.

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Personality-Based Names

  • Brave Cats: Frodo, Aragorn, Boromir
  • Loyal Cats: Samwise, Gimli
  • Graceful Cats: Arwen, Legolas, Galadriel
  • Mischievous Cats: Merry, Pippin
  • Wise Cats: Gandalf, Galadriel

Physical Trait-Based Names

  • Large Cats: Smaug, Thorin, Moria
  • Small Cats: Frodo, Bilbo, Merry, Pippin
  • Elegant Cats: Arwen, Legolas
  • Strong Cats: Gimli, Boromir, Andúril

LOTR Cat Names

Main CharactersFrodoBrave and determined, perfect for an adventurous cat.
SamwiseLoyal and steadfast, ideal for a dependable feline companion.
GandalfWise and powerful, suitable for a majestic and enigmatic cat.
AragornNoble and strong, fitting for a protective and authoritative cat.
LegolasAgile and sharp-sensed, great for a swift and alert cat.
GimliSturdy and resilient, appropriate for a bold and robust cat.
BoromirBrave and honorable, excellent for a commanding presence in your household.
MerryPlayful and adventurous, perfect for a mischievous cat.
PippinEnergetic and curious, suitable for a lively and inquisitive cat.
The HobbitBilboCurious and courageous, ideal for an explorative cat.
ThorinRegal and determined, fitting for a cat that exudes authority.
SmaugCommanding and aloof, great for a cat that loves to observe from a high perch.
Elvish NamesArwenGraceful and elegant, suitable for a serene and gentle cat.
GaladrielWise and ethereal, perfect for a calm and wise cat.
Places in Middle-earthRivendellPeaceful and tranquil, ideal for a soothing cat.
GondorNoble and strong, fitting for a regal cat.
MoriaMysterious and deep, suitable for an explorative cat.
Objects and ConceptsStingSharp and precise, great for a quick and keen-minded cat.
MithrilBeautiful and resilient, fitting for a stunning and strong cat.
AndúrilPowerful and noble, suitable for a proud and dignified cat.


Naming your cat after a character, place, or object from “The Lord of the Rings” can add a layer of depth and meaning to your pet’s identity. The names from Tolkien’s world are not only rich in history and lore but also carry distinct traits that can reflect your cat’s personality and physical characteristics. Whether you choose a name that signifies bravery, grace, wisdom, or mystery, you are sure to find a perfect match for your feline friend within the vast universe of Middle-earth.


Q: Can I mix and match first and last names from LOTR for my cat?
A: Absolutely! Feel free to be creative and combine names or use nicknames to best fit your cat’s personality.

Q: Are there LOTR names suitable for female cats?
A: Yes, names like Arwen, Galadriel, and Éowyn are perfect for female cats and carry strong, elegant connotations.

Q: What if my cat doesn’t fit a particular character’s traits?
A: You can still choose a name based on your preference. Names are ultimately a personal choice, and your cat will grow into it regardless of their initial traits.

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