Welsh Cat Names: Unveiling the Perfect Monikers for Your Feline Friends

Cats have graced our homes and captured our hearts for millennia. Throughout history, different cultures have developed unique and meaningful names for these furry companions. Wales, a land steeped in myth and legend, offers a treasure trove of inspiring names for your feline friend.

This guide delves into the rich tapestry of the Welsh language, unearthing a collection of beautiful and evocative names perfect for both male and female cats. Additionally, we’ll explore specific categories like names for black cats and explore some cute and simply good Welsh names for your kitty companion.

Welsh Cat Names
Welsh Cat Names

Welsh Cat Names for Girls

Welsh names for female cats boast a delightful blend of melodious sounds and rich meanings. Here are some captivating options to consider:

  • Blodeuwedd (Blod-wayth): Meaning “flower face,” this name evokes a vision of delicate beauty, perfect for a graceful feline.
  • Ceridwen (Ker-ith-wen): This name translates to “loved one” or “precious,” reflecting the deep bond between you and your cat.
  • Eira (Ay-ra): Signifying “snow,” this name is ideal for a cat with a sleek white coat or a particularly cool personality.
  • Ffion (Fyon): Meaning “fair” or “white,” this name is another beautiful choice for a light-colored cat.
  • Gwendolyn (Gwen-dol-in): This name translates to “blessed ring,” symbolizing good fortune and prosperity brought by your feline friend.
  • Lona (Lo-nah): Meaning “marsh” or “grove,” this name evokes a sense of mystery and a connection to nature.
  • Menna (Men-nah): Signifying “slender” or “delicate,” this name is perfect for a petite and graceful cat.
  • Morwen (Mor-wen): This name translates to “white sea,” creating a beautiful imagery for a cat with distinctive markings.
  • Sian (See-an): Meaning “God is gracious,” this name carries a spiritual connotation and a sense of blessing.
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Welsh Cat Names for Boys

For your male feline companion, Welsh offers a selection of powerful and handsome names:

  • Arthur (Ar-thur): Evoking the legendary king, this name signifies nobility and courage, befitting a feline with a regal demeanor.
  • Bevan (Bev-an): Meaning “little one,” this name is a charming choice for a playful kitten.
  • Dafydd (Da-vid): Translating to “beloved,” this name expresses the deep affection you have for your cat.
  • Einion (Ein-yon): Signifying “anvil” or “firm,” this name suggests strength and resilience, perfect for a sturdy and independent cat.
  • Idris (Ith-ris): Meaning “ardent” or “fiery,” this name is ideal for a cat with a bright personality or fiery red fur.
  • Llywelyn (Lle-well-in): Translating to “leader” or “lion,” this name is a powerful choice for a confident and dominant cat.
  • Madoc (Ma-doc): Signifying “fortunate” or “happy,” this name embodies the joy your cat brings to your life.
  • Rhys (Reese): Meaning “ardent” or “enthusiastic,” this name is perfect for a lively and playful feline.
  • Taliesin (Tal-ies-in): This name translates to “radiant brow,” suggesting a cat with distinctive markings or bright eyes.

Welsh Black Cat Names

Black cats hold a special place in Celtic cultures, often associated with mystery and magic. Here are some Welsh names that perfectly complement your black feline friend:

  • Bran (Bran): Meaning “raven,” this name is a classic choice for a black cat, referencing a majestic bird of Celtic myth.
  • Cigydd (Kith-idd): This name translates to “night,” perfectly complementing your black cat’s dark fur.
  • Coll (Koll): Signifying “loss” or “black,” this name directly references your cat’s beautiful black coat.
  • Duw (Doo): Meaning “God” or “black,” this name carries a touch of mystery and reverence for your feline companion.
  • Lleuad (Lle-uad): This name translates to “moon,” creating a poetic contrast with your cat’s dark fur and nocturnal habits.
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Cute Welsh Cat Names

Looking for a name that’s simply adorable for your fluffy friend? Here are some Welsh options that melt the heart:

  • Cari (Car-ee): Meaning “love,” this name is a straightforward expression of your affection for your cat.
  • Ci (Kee): This simply translates to “dog,” adding a touch of whimsy to your cat’s name.
  • Cutty (Cut-tee): A shortened version of “Cwtun” meaning “little treasure,” this name is perfect for a cherished kitten.
  • Flin (Flin): Meaning “spark” or “lively,” this name is ideal for a playful and energetic cat.
  • Lulu (Loo-loo): A Welsh term of endearment, this name adds a touch of sweetness to your cat’s identity.
  • Mini (Min-ee): Meaning “small” or “tiny,” this name perfectly suits a petite or young cat.
  • Mochi (Moch-ee): This playful name evokes the image of soft, round rice cakes, ideal for a cuddly feline.
  • Siori (See-or-i): Meaning “sweet” or “darling,” this name captures the endearing qualities of your cat.
  • Tedi (Ted-ee): Translating to “teddy bear,” this name is perfect for a cuddly and huggable cat.

Good Welsh Cat Names

Sometimes, you just want a solid and classic name for your cat. Here are some strong contenders from the Welsh language:

  • Catrin (Ka-thrin): The Welsh version of Catherine, this name is elegant and timeless.
  • Dylan (Dil-an): Meaning “sea,” this name evokes a sense of calmness and vastness.
  • Elen (El-en): Translating to “sunray” or “splendid,” this name is a radiant choice for your cat.
  • Gwyn (Gwin): Meaning “fair” or “blessed,” this name carries positive connotations for your feline friend.
  • Gwenllian (Gwen-llian): This name signifies “blessed” or “holy,” adding a touch of grace to your cat’s identity.
  • Iolo (Yoh-lo): Meaning “everlasting light,” this name evokes a sense of hope and longevity.
  • Lowri (Low-ree): Translating to “fair” or “blonde,” this name is a classic choice for a light-colored cat.
  • Osian (Oh-see-an): Meaning “nightingale,” this name evokes a sense of beautiful melody, perhaps reflecting your cat’s purr.
  • Sion (See-on): This name signifies “God is gracious,” offering a spiritual connotation for your cat.
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The Welsh language offers a treasure trove of unique and beautiful names for your feline companion. Whether you seek a name imbued with meaning, reflecting your cat’s appearance, or simply a catchy and cute moniker, Welsh has something for everyone. So delve into this rich linguistic heritage and find the purrfect name for your furry friend!


  • How do I pronounce Welsh cat names?

Welsh pronunciation can be tricky for non-native speakers. Consider using online pronunciation guides or resources to learn the proper way to say your chosen name.

  • Can I use a Welsh word for a cat as a name?

Absolutely! The Welsh word for “cat” is “cath,” which can be a cute and simple name for your feline friend.

  • What other factors should I consider when choosing a cat name?

Think about your cat’s personality, appearance, and any special characteristics. Choose a name that is easy for you to say and for your cat to recognize.

I hope this comprehensive guide empowers you to find the perfect Welsh name for your cherished cat!

You might also want to check out these articles for more ideas:The Enchanting World of European Cat Names

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